Friday, October 8, 2010

I Believe in Brilliance, Not Wizardry

There is an anecdote about a old-timey Artist Dude who people said was pretty awesome. The King or Pope or whoever was interested in hiring him to paint a portrait, so he sent an emissary to get a sample from the Artist to prove himself. According to the story, Mr BigTimeArtist whipped out a sheet of paper and free-handed a perfect. circle. (!!!)

Now, some people chalk this up to a myth or exaggeration. I believe it happened, I just want to know what his trick was. I can believe he was such a brilliant artist that he figured out The Secret To Drawing Perfect Circles the way I learned how to draw a perfect turkey by tracing my hand. What I can't believe is that he was such a brilliant artist that when his hand touched drafting paper perfect circles poured out like coins from a slot machine. I believe in brilliance, not wizardry.

Basically I am saying that I am pretty sure I could learn to draw a perfect circle by hand if someone would just tell me the damn trick.

On an unrelated note, I once told this story to someone who was completely unimpressed and scoffingly told me that drawing perfect circles was no big deal and anyone could do it and was so convinced of his rightness that I began to question my own sanity and grip on reality.

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